
This is an complete list of Items found in Telefang 2. The list is sorted in the same order as it is in-game.

There are 128 items; 19 of which are not obtainable via normal means. Items are classified into 4 categories: Support, Equip, Evolution, Event.

Support items are for healing, or stat increasing purposes during, or out of battle. Equip items boosts a denjuu's stat by 5, 10, or 15. Evolution items can either be used for a denjuu to evolve in dome shaped buildings, or be thrown at during battle to enemies. Event items are story-related items. Additionally, non-event items can be sold at shops at the bottom left corner NPC.

Items can be found after battles, bought in shops, picked up while running through grass, or hidden in treasure chests. Support items can found using any of them methods listed. Equip items can only be found in chests. Evolution items only appear after battles, or in chests. Event items are either given, or found during the story.


# Japanese English Type Description Sell price
000 T2-I-000-I やくそう Herb Support Recovers 20 HP. 9
001 T2-I-001-I がんやく Pills Support Recovers 40 HP. 48
002 T2-I-002-I きのみ Berry Support Recovers 80 HP. 90
003 T2-I-003-I ふしぎのみず Strange Water Support Fully recovers HP. 180
004 T2-I-004-I かいふくガス Healing Gas Support Recovers 20 HP for the whole party. 60
005 T2-I-005-I だいかいふくガス Recovery Gas Support Recovers 40 HP for the whole party. 300
006 T2-I-006-I きのみづけ Pickled Berry Support Recovers 80 HP for the whole party. 480
007 T2-I-007-I にじのみず Rainbow Water Support Fully recovers HP for the whole party. 600
008 T2-I-008-I HPカプセル HP Capsule Support Increases max HP by 3. 600
009 T2-I-009-I SPカプセル SP Capsule Support Increases Speed by 1. 600
010 T2-I-010-I ATカプセル AT Capsule Support Increases Attack by 1. 600
011 T2-I-011-I DFカプセル DF Capsule Support Increases Defense by 1. 600
012 T2-I-012-I DPカプセル DP Capsule Support Increases Denma by 1. 600
013 T2-I-013-I どくけし Antidote Support Cures Poison/Paralysis. 18
014 T2-I-014-I めざましどけい Alarm Clock Support Cures Sleep/Confusion. 30
015 T2-I-015-I なんこう Ointment Support Cures Burn/Frostbite. 24
016 T2-I-016-I ほうぎょく Jewel Support Destroys a Barrier. 48
017 T2-I-017-I めぐすり Eyedrops Support Cures Blindness. 36
018 T2-I-018-I なぞのつぼみ Mystery Bud Support Cures any status effects. 300
019 T2-I-019-I なぞのはな Mystery Flower Support Recovers all HP and cures any status effects. 300
020 T2-I-020-I はなのエキス Flower Extract Support Fully cures and recovers the whole party. 600
021 T2-I-021-I はなのみつ Flower Honey Support Fully cures and recovers the whole party. 600
022 T2-I-022-I でんまクッキー Denma Cookie Support Recovers 30 DP. 60
023 T2-I-023-I でんまエイド Denma Aid Support Recovers 50 DP. 120
024 T2-I-024-I でんまドリンク Denma Drink Support Fully Recovers DP. 480
025 T2-I-025-I ダミー3 Dummy 3 Support Item 0025's description 60
026 T2-I-026-I ダミー4 Dummy 4 Support Item 0026's description 60
027 T2-I-027-I ダミー5 Dummy 5 Support Item 0027's description 60
028 T2-I-028-I ダミー6 Dummy 6 Support Item 0028's description 60
029 T2-I-029-I ダミー7 Dummy 7 Support Item 0029's description 60
030 T2-I-030-I あおのおまもり Blue Charm Equip Max HP +10 1200
031 T2-I-031-I みどりのおまもり Green Charm Equip Max HP +20 3000
032 T2-I-032-I あかのおまもり Red Charm Equip Max HP +30 9000
033 T2-I-033-I あおのあしわ Blue Ring Equip Speed +5 1200
034 T2-I-034-I みどりのあしわ Green Ring Equip Speed +10 3000
035 T2-I-035-I あかのあしわ Red Ring Equip Speed +15 9000
036 T2-I-036-I あおのうでわ Blue Bracelet Equip Attack +5 1200
037 T2-I-037-I みどりのうでわ Green Bracelet Equip Attack +10 3000
038 T2-I-038-I あかのうでわ Red Bracelet Equip Attack +15 9000
039 T2-I-039-I あおのかんむり Blue Crown Equip Defense +5 1200
040 T2-I-040-I みどりのかんむり Green Crown Equip Defense +10 3000
041 T2-I-041-I あかのかんむり Red Crown Equip Defense +15 9000
042 T2-I-042-I あおすいしょう Blue Crystal Equip Denma +5 1200
043 T2-I-043-I みどりすいしょう Green Crystal Equip Denma +10 3000
044 T2-I-044-I あかすいしょう Red Crystal Equip Denma +15 9000
045 T2-I-045-I あおペンダント Blue Pendant Equip Status effect evasion +5 1200
046 T2-I-046-I みどりペンダント Green Pendant Equip Status effect evasion +10 3000
047 T2-I-047-I あかペンダント Red Pendant Equip Status effect evasion +15 9000
048 T2-I-048-I あおのピアス Blue Earrings Equip Accuracy +5 1200
049 T2-I-049-I みどりのピアス Green Earrings Equip Accuracy +10 3000
050 T2-I-050-I あかのピアス Red Earrings Equip Accuracy +15 9000
051 T2-I-051-I あおのバンダナ Blue Bandana Equip Evasion +5 1200
052 T2-I-052-I みどりのバンダナ Green Bandana Equip Evasion +10 3000
053 T2-I-053-I あかのバンダナ Red Bandana Equip Evasion +15 9000
054 T2-I-054-I ダミー8 Dummy 8 Equip Item 0054's description 3000
055 T2-I-055-I ダミー9 Dummy 9 Equip Item 0055's description 3000
056 T2-I-056-I ダミー10 Dummy 10 Equip Item 0056's description 3000
057 T2-I-057-I ダミー11 Dummy 11 Equip Item 0057's description 3000
058 T2-I-058-I ダミー12 Dummy 12 Equip Item 0058's description 3000
059 T2-I-059-I ダミー13 Dummy 13 Equip Item 0059's description 3000
060 T2-I-060-I ダミー14 Dummy 14 Equip Item 0060's description 3000
061 T2-I-061-I ダミー15 Dummy 15 Equip Item 0061's description 3000
062 T2-I-062-I クギ Nails Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 60
063 T2-I-063-I ハーケン Bracket Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 72
064 T2-I-064-I たこいと Kite String Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 60
065 T2-I-065-I ロープ Rope Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 72
066 T2-I-066-I ペーパーナイフ Paper Knife Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 60
067 T2-I-067-I サバイバルナイフ Survival Knife Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 72
068 T2-I-068-I マグライト Flashlight Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 120
069 T2-I-069-I サーチライト Searchlight Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 150
070 T2-I-070-I ライター Lighter Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 60
071 T2-I-071-I ガスバーナー Gas Burner Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 72
072 T2-I-072-I ドライヤー Dryer Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 120
073 T2-I-073-I ストーブ Stove Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 150
074 T2-I-074-I かがみ Mirror Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 288
075 T2-I-075-I ソーラーシステム Solar Panel Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 336
076 T2-I-076-I ラジカセ Boom Box Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 126
077 T2-I-077-I コンポ Stereo Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 138
078 T2-I-078-I リボルバー Revolver Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 120
079 T2-I-079-I マシンガン Machine Gun Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 150
080 T2-I-080-I のこぎり Saw Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 312
081 T2-I-081-I チェーンソー Chainsaw Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 366
082 T2-I-082-I カメラ Camera Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 630
083 T2-I-083-I ビデオカメラ Video Camera Evolution Forest-type evolution item. 780
084 T2-I-084-I すいとう Canteen Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 750
085 T2-I-085-I ポリタンク Jerrycan Evolution Desert-type evolution item. 780
086 T2-I-086-I ショベル Shovel Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 300
087 T2-I-087-I クレーン Crane Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 360
088 T2-I-088-I エンジン Engine Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 60
089 T2-I-089-I プロペラエンジン Prop Engine Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 78
090 T2-I-090-I かんしゃくだま Firecracker Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 120
091 T2-I-091-I ダイナマイト Dynamite Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 120
092 T2-I-092-I ミキサー Mixer Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 60
093 T2-I-093-I せんたくき Washer Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 60
094 T2-I-094-I パラシュート Parachute Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 300
095 T2-I-095-I グライダー Glider Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 330
096 T2-I-096-I さんそボンベ Oxygen Tank Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 132
097 T2-I-097-I ガスボンベ Gas Tank Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 126
098 T2-I-098-I オール Oar Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 300
099 T2-I-099-I スクリュー Propeller Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 390
100 T2-I-100-I ロケットはなび Fireworks Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 720
101 T2-I-101-I ミサイル Missile Evolution Sky-type evolution item. 900
102 T2-I-102-I ルナチウム Lunatium Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 720
103 T2-I-103-I タイタニュウム Tytanium Evolution Mountain-type evolution item. 900
104 T2-I-104-I せんぷうき Electric Fan Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 300
105 T2-I-105-I エアコン Air Conditioner Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 360
106 T2-I-106-I カマ Sickle Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 720
107 T2-I-107-I くさかりき Lawn Mower Evolution Grassland-type evolution item. 960
108 T2-I-108-I みずでっぽう Squirt Gun Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 720
109 T2-I-109-I ポンプ Pump Evolution Aquatic-type evolution item. 660
110 T2-I-110-I ダミー16 Dummy 16 Evolution Evolution item. 666
111 T2-I-111-I ダミー17 Dummy 17 Evolution Evolution item. NA
112 T2-I-112-I ダミー18 Dummy 18 Evolution Evolution item. NA
113 T2-I-113-I ダミー19 Dummy 19 Evolution Evolution item. NA
114 T2-I-114-I ダミー20 Dummy 20 Evolution Evolution item. NA
115 T2-I-115-I ダミー21 Dummy 21 Evolution Evolution item. NA
116 T2-I-116-I チャコルのあしわ Chakor's Ring Event Event Item. NA
117 T2-I-117-I おうかん Crown Event Event Item. NA
118 T2-I-118-I アンテナのタネ Antenna Seed Event Event Item. NA
119 T2-I-119-I カギ Key Event Event Item. NA
120 T2-I-120-I なぞのぶったい Strange Object Event Event Item. NA
121 T2-I-121-I なぞのぶったい Strange Object Event Event Item. NA
122 T2-I-122-I なぞのぶったい Strange Object Event Event Item. NA
123 T2-I-123-I ちず Map Event Event Item. NA
124 T2-I-124-I Dショット D-Shot Event Event Item. NA
125 T2-I-125-I みずのたま Water Ball Event Event Item. NA
126 T2-I-126-I しょうめいしょ License Event Event Item. NA
127 T2-I-127-I なし None Event Event Item. NA